Make Me Static - Integrations

Make Me Static aims to work with third party products to provide a better overall experience for both site users and administrators. This page documents what’s available so far on this front, if you have any suggestions for additional integrations please do let us know either via email or via the Support Forums.
Notifying users of new Content
If you know a website has new content, you're more likely to visit ...
Please note that we have no direct affiliations with third party providers unless explicitly stated. Typically we look to use public API’s with credentials provided by the user.
Notifying users of new Content
We have a notification process which sends out messages to users following a site synchronisation. This can either be via the Send Push Notification option available from the drop-down menu, or if you check the tick box in the site’s profile settings, the system will automatically send the notification each time a synchronisation completes.
In the case of these automatic notifications, the message text is taken from the previous message sent, so make sure you send a manual message to choose your text, before trying to enable automatic notifications.
Currently supported API’s;
- webpushr
To make this work you need to sign up for a webpushr account in order to acquire a token and api key. Once you have these you can enter them into your MakeMeStatic profile by setting Notifier to webpushr.
Then all you need to do is paste the webpushr javascript snippet into your site (we like to use the Custom CSS & JS plugin for this). Depending on the options you chose when setting up your webpushr account, new visitors to your site should be asked if they would like to subscribe. Those that choose to do this are recorded by the webpushr service. When you subsequently chose to notify users of new content, either manually or automatically, the Make Me Static plugin will send an API request to webpushr using your token / key, which will cause webpushr to send notifications to all subscribed users.
If you would like to see another API with similar functionality added here, please let us know.